Tuesday, August 19, 2008

#1 Pet Peeve

O.K., call me hypersensitive, O.C. or whatever but I'll blame this on my time in food service/cooking/catering. It really gets under my skin when I'm eating at a restaurant and see the busperson using the same rag to wipe the table that they just used to wipe down the seats. I know, "lighten up", but there outta be a law.....


Anonymous said...

Hey, son, I just now saw this post. Again, I guess your Daddy raised you right. I have been bugged by that practice so many times that I have nearly walked out of a restaurant that did it.

The only thing that I have witnessed that I think is slightly worse is when the wipe off the seat and THEN the table. Makes me want to go over and regurgitate on both the table and then the seat!


Anonymous said...

I never thought about that one, but I agree completely. Now I'll be watching in horror, disgust and dismay. Thanks, buddy!