Friday, September 26, 2008

Under Construction

Thanks for checking in. Apologies. My intent was to blog on each days happenings here from Mexico City. So much has been going on that it hasn't happened that way - good stuff. In the meantime I had hoped to let some pictures speak a thousand words on my flickr account but I'm fighting with a "low" wi-fi connection. I'll try to catch up but it may not happen 'til I return to S.D.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hola como esta,espero y bien and dont'worry for the pictures tak your time I understand yo espero por las nuevas imagenes. saludos a su hermana y a toda su familia espero regrese con bien. espero y restablesca pronto su servicio,
a que horas tu dijiste que vas por el pan???? ji ji ji
(MANDE)bye bye