I just had someone come up the steps of the church toward my office. There's the tell-tale sounds. You hear them come up to the stoop, expect a knock, or a ring of the doorbell (before it was stolen) but nothing. It can only mean a few things. They've dragged their kill over here from the taco shop across the street and are feasting on it, they are thinking they're going to bed down in front of the door (i.e. - from a facility coordinator's position - fire escape) for the night or they are thinking what better place could there be to commit an act of public urination.
Then there's the other tell-tale sound I need not describe to you. I threw open the door and there SHE was stooped on my stoop, a young "lady".
stoop 2 (stp)
n. Chiefly Northeastern U.S.
A small porch, platform, or staircase leading to the entrance of a house or building.
stoop 1 (stp)
v. stooped, stoop·ing, stoops
1. To bend forward and down from the waist or the middle of the back: had to stoop in order to fit into the cave.
a. To lower or debase oneself.
1. To bend (the head or body) forward and down.
2. To debase; humble.
1. The act of stooping.
3. An act of self-abasement or condescension.
She's not the first and unfortunately won't be the last. We've had our share and more. There was the "Urinator". His work was found most mornings in a stairwell or in the alley. Becker and I stayed up all night to catch him red-handed because he would deny having done it every time.
We're a popular spot for those going through the drive thru across the street to come and find relief. Behind the dumpsters is another popular spot. I get really upset when they do it during business hours and our restrooms are open at the time.
The excuse is usually the same - "I'm really sorry, I couldn't find anywhere else to go." Usually I lay into them, coming on strong in the beginning and then lighten up. I did that with one guy. I ranted, he apologized, I started to make a friendly gesture and offered my hand to shake hands but then pulled back remembering what he had just done. This time tonight I was speechless. Instead of biting her head off, I bit my tongue. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
D, from your last sentence, it sounds like you are a recovering public urinator.....and dont ask me, I plead the fifth.
wow. if I am not mistaken you're catching people up against a glass door... they must really have to go. Maybe we need to install a traditional french pissoir (that's the real name, look it up if you doubt me) on the sidewalk, but then sketchy things can always happen when there's sidewalk and shelter. Let's petition the taco shop to put in a pissoir. That's it!
TK: You are very observant. Well... you know what they say, "when you point a finger at someone, there are three more pointing back at you." Some of my readers (ahem, co-conspirators) might smell a hypocrite in this posting. My experience is very limited though, not like I'm a repeat offender or at least not a serial one. Let's just say the streets of the Windy City in the middle of winter can be a very unwelcoming place.
B: Yeah, lucky for them the glass is tinted & the stoop a little dark. Time to light it up. The bummer is the stoop is made of wood and not exactly impervious to the elements they expose it to. The basement below is not appreciative.
I like that word. I used "pièce de résistance" this week. You might like this link:
Wow D. The things you have to deal with. Amazing.
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