Thursday, December 4, 2008


Now I lay me down to sleep….

Well today (Wednesday) was a day off. I won’t go so far as to say a good day off, but a day off. Parts of it were good. I estimate it was split up the middle; 50% work, 50% off. In that time off, I found some time to read and to commune with the Creator and the created. The all-encompassing aspect of the work, though, crept in via the mobile phone. It was turned off for a time. I know, "That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind." “We have been trying to get you to do that.” “Why did you even bring it along?” I heard you today. Thank you.

Lately, the job is driving me to drink and because on principle, I don’t do that, (occupational hazard and all) I’ll find another outlet for my angst. I don’t drink, but I know those days when I would, if I did. Today will find me at some point at the driving range, shooting range, Sarah’s Smash Shack, or all of the above. Please flatter me and tell me you have days like that too. I have an old cell phone that might be martyred in the process. Why not bid good riddance to some golf clubs as I wrap them around a tree? Please don’t try and stop me. In the end, I will be a better person/parson for it.

Have a good day,

My thoughts and prayers are with a family member who’s in surgery today…..


Anonymous said...

That's exactly why El bikes 25 miles out into the country--no one can hear him out there! :)

dlm said...

LOL :)

That's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Hola pastor deron tenga un bonito dia para mañana espero se encuentre bien y saludos para todos en la iglesia.



matt said...

try writing the appropriate names on the golf balls before you head to the driving range . . .

dlm said...

Hey Matt,

That's good. I've heard that & the thought definitely crossed my mind. Because I used their balls I decided against it. I fully expected to see some names written on them but didn't. I will try and find my stash of junk balls and do that with them. I did it in my mind. Rest easy my friend, your name did not cross my mind at that time :-). Have a great day!

dlm said...

Thank you Susana, I'm praying for Brian. Let us know how he is doing.

Holly said...

You are THE MAN D. And I assure you, we ALL have days like that. Thanks for admitting it. Thanks for finding the "SERENITY NOW!" humor in it too. Sometimes, if you don't laugh you'll cry. "Not that there's anything wrong with that..." My prayers are with you Brother.

SeanH said...

My prayers are with you too, brother. I may be the only person here to suggest that you have a beer. A good one. And just a little.

Anonymous said...

Hola y buenas noches yo tambien hago oracion, por tu familia en especial por ty para que no sufras mucho la pena de estar lejos de tu familia y espero tu estes mejor.
gracias por orar por bryant y el va poco a poco mejor mi corazon, te dice a ty gracias por hacer oracion por el,tengo mucha (fe) en que DIOS esta conmigo y tu familia tambien. .
and no te preocupes por nada se feliz
y etoy segura el mejor doctor es DIOS.

dlm said...

Very tempting Sean. Add to that the bus I took to middle school every day drove over the bridge above Miller Valley (w/ kegs stacked high) & through an atmospheric aroma of hops and one is left to wonder how I haven't.